“You have only a nanosecond to make a life lasting impression” - Patrice Bisiot.
Image is your first impact, setup of your mindset and creating your future
EVERY TIME SOMEONE SEES US - at a meeting, a party or just walking in the street we transmit a powerful subliminal message straight into their intuitive brains.
And we ourselves pre-program that message with a ritual we perform each morning.
The person at the receiving end will experience it as a "vibe or gut feeling," which is all we wear and put on telling them in an instant who we are, who we think we are, and more importantly how much they should trust us.
We as humans first connect with one another through what I call our social layer. Our style choices telegraph our aspirations, what we value, and the emotional states that went into making them. Yet too many people go through life oblivious to what their appearances communicate. Too many people are fashion illiterate.
I am here to help change that.
Personal brand and image coach to Celebrities and Business Leaders, I've been called a "style interventionist" because the changes I have my client make impact many areas of their lives, often dramatically and unexpectedly.
My methodology teaches goal-oriented dressing getting your appearance to align with what you're trying to accomplish. You are a leader? An executive? An entrepreneur? you want to project trust and Authority and your personal brand?
I design roadmaps to success.
My Image Impact Index is about what we reveal when we get ready. Dressing for Success today requires becoming fluent in the language of fashion.
Can what you wear make you stand straighter? Make your voice more resonant? Affect your facial expressions? A new field of psychological inquiry looking at the effects of clothing on the wearer has found it alters math and other scores measuring cognitive abilities.
Appearance is your point of connection. Connection is your point of trust. Trust is your brand. Brand is your bottom line. Style is your Authority.
Your image impacts your life.
Be ready.
Patrice BISIOT
Click here to learn more! http://www.ImageImpactIndex.com
One-on-one coaching and interactive group training available upon request..
New York | Paris | London I Beverly Hills | Miami