Cultural Communications in Global Business

Cultural Communications in Global Business

Learning Trends, Role of Technologies, Emerging Trends in Learning, Learning in Multi Generational, Cultural and Global Workplace

Communication does not come easy to everyone. In a complex global workplace communication challenges are far more common today. As we witness the generational gaps in workforce which is spread across borders, communications strategies within Organization play a vital role in team building and developing a collaborative environment. Most often, the cultural gaps are missed and misunderstood. Sometime, all it needs is an open mind ans ability to ask the right questions. We will identify issues stemming out of lack of communications, negotiate in a positive manner, learn active listening, build strong interpersonal connections, be understood and earn respect of others. Understand communication skills in particular that alleviated the common problems. Learn non-verbal 'Universal' ques that will help to ask better questions leading to mutual understanding, and desired outcomes.

Ritu G Chopra — Motivational Speaker

Ritu G Chopra

Explore Your Untapped Potential!

Ritu Chopra is an author, motivational speaker, TV Show Host and Leadership Coach with 20 + years of experience Corp. IT operations in global Organizations focusing on Personal Productivity & Peak Performance, Cross-Cultural Communications at Work.

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