The Role of Humor in Leadership and Team Building

The Role of Humor in Leadership and Team Building

Leader Humor from a Baby Boomer

Humor has been related to a number of positive effects when used by leaders: improved morale among workers, enhanced group cohesiveness, and even a positive impact on larger organizational outcomes. This presentation addresses how humor can be used to enhance leadership effectiveness with an emphasis on improved communication and team building. Guidelines for use of humor will be discussed to ensure humor does not get out of hand at work emphasizing the important of appropriate humor and educating staff on the dangers of using inappropriate humor. Learning Objectives: Recognize the benefits of using humor as a leader Explain how humor can be utilized to improve communication and relationships List the four styles of humor and distinguish the effective, appropriate styles from the ineffective, inappropriate styles. Practice humor skills and strategies that leaders may use to enhance their leadership abilities

David Jacobson, LCSW CHP — Motivational Speaker

David Jacobson, LCSW CHP

The best of humor from a baby boomer!

One of a very rare breed of Board Certified Humor Professionals bestowed by the Humor Academy of the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor. David received a personal thank you from President Obama for his work with trauma survivors.

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