We know Speakers!

Speakers. It's what we do! No clowns, DJ's, plumbers, or babysitters.
Need a speaker near your area? No problem!
Whether you're looking for a motivational speaker, keynote speaker, or breakout session leader for your next event, we can help you find the expert you need at any budget level. Post your request for FREE today!

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We Are SpeakerMatch

SpeakerMatch has made the task of finding expert motivational speakers and other speaking talent so easy and so fast that you won't want to plan another event without us.

Our free online system helps you easily manage all the responses you get.

We can book ANY SPEAKER, any WHERE, at any BUDGET.

Any Speaker. Any Topic. Any Budget.Often Within Minutes!

Are you looking for a professional speaker... or maybe an emerging speaker? Perhaps an author? Maybe you want rising talent, a business professional, or some other subject-matter expert? Anyone who has knowledge and a message to share that will resound with your audience? Whatever you're looking for, we can help. We reach thousands of speakers all over the US and Canada.

Find a speaker near you!

Need a local speaker? No problem!No one has more speakers to choose from.

Perhaps a better question might be, "Can you help me find a speaker who's near my area so I can save on travel expenses?" Either way, the answer is a resounding "Yes!!" We understand that you want to work within your budget to find the best talent available to you. Whether it's local or just "currently local," we can help you find that perfect match.

We've been helping meeting planners find speakers since 2001.

Helping People Like YOU since 2001!Let us help you find the speaker you need.

We launched as the first online directory of speakers. Over time, we've grown to be so much more than just a directory. We've worked hard to maintain our edge by providing meeting planners like you with the best possible tools and services to find and book the talent you need. And yes... if you're booking a speaker, we consider you to be a "meeting planner".

Jobs Posted Since 2002
(And we almost always find a match.)
Speakers Available
(We can book any speaker you want.)
Programs Added This Week
(Our speakers have some great ideas.)
Bookings in Tahiti
(We usually just cover the US and Canada.)

Local Speakers

Yes! We can find speakers near your area!
Find Local Speakers!

Of course we can help you find a local speaker! But a better question might be, "Can you help me find a speaker who's near my area so I can save on travel expenses?" Either way, the answer is a resounding "Yes!!"

It's a little-known secret by top meeting planners that a local speaker doesn't need to live nearby. Many speakers are travelling the world, on the road all the time. Perhaps you can piggyback on another booking the speaker has in your area. You get the speaker the day before or after someone else's scheduled event, and all travel-related expenses are being covered by someone else!

The ideal way to find a speaker is to find the speaker you want, and book that speaker — with travel expenses on someone else's dime — when they are in your area. Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll do our best to help you find the perfect match!

The easiest way to find a speaker is by using our FREE Speaker Management Tool. Just click the button below, enter some basic information about your event, and speakers will begin responding via our online system — sometimes within minutes!

Tell Us About Your Event

How It Works

Post your job details, screen candidates, communicate with and select a speaker using our robust online platform. All for FREE!

Online Management

Manage your speaking jobs and opportunities in the cloud. Manage your job posting, applications, and all communications with speakers!

Communication Center

Screen and manage both speakers and applications in your SpeakerMatch Member Center! We'll notify you with a single daily digest if you have unread messages.

Identity Protection

Your email address and phone number are only shared with candidates if you explicitly share that information. Speakers leave messages online, in your Member Center.

Always FREE!

Our service is free to meeting planners and event organizers. There are no hidden fees. You negotiate with, and pay any speakers you select, directly.

Live Support

Yes! Real live humans are available to help you every step of the way. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Central Time).

Simple Job-Posting Wizard

Post your request online immediately using our simple template. It just takes about 5 minutes. You can also just call us or use our online chat!

Simplified Interactions

You can choose for all interaction with speakers to be handled in your free SpeakerMatch cloud account. In addition to written messages, speakers can leave audio and video messages for you too!

Speaker Screening Tools

View speaker biographies, program ideas, videos and more to help you make an informed decision. Directly communicate with speakers. You have a complete suite of speaker application management tools online.

provide Feedback to Speakers

It's just a couple of clicks to approve, shortlist, or decline an application and notify the speaker of your decision. Providng feedback is very helpful to applicants, much appreciated, and makes you look great!

Common Questions

Can you help me find a local speaker?

Of course! But a better question might be, "Can you help me find a speaker who's in the area so I can save on travel expenses?" Either way, the answer is a resounding "Yes!!" But a local speaker doesn't need to live nearby. Many speakers are travelling the world, on the road all the time. Perhaps you can piggyback on another booking the speaker has in your area. You get the speaker the day before or after the other scheduled event, and expenses are being covered by someone else! We'll help you find those too! The ideal way to find a speaker is to find the speaker you want, and book them when they are already in your area on someone else's dime.

How many speakers do you reach?

SpeakerMatch is the largest speakers bureau in the world, with access to THOUSANDS of speakers. Unlike traditional speaker bureaus, we're not committed to a specific roster of only professional speakers and/or celebrities. Not every event requires a professional motivational or Inspirational speaker, but almost every event uses the services of experts who speak. In addition to professional and emerging professional speakers, this service reaches business leaders, technical gurus, educators, seasoned public speakers, and other subject-matter experts who want to communicate what they know. Many of them speak for free or for expenses only!

How do you reach so many speakers?

We have access to the same databases of professional speakers and celebrities as any other bureau, but we also have SO MUCH MORE! Once a speaking opportunity is posted, we circulate the lead to SpeakerMatch members first unless you have a specific request for a specific speaker. If one of our members isn't a perfect match, we'll circulate your opportunity to an even wider audience of emerging speakers, authors, business leaders, technical gurus, educators, seasoned public speakers, technical specialists, medical professionals, and other subject-matter experts to help you find what you're looking for.

How much does it cost to find a speaker?

We don't charge a fee for finding a speaker. If you find a match, you negotiate speaking fees and expenses directly with any speakers you choose.
With that said, we can give you some pretty good guidelines:

  • Although some speakers will speak for free, understand they are spending time preparing their talk for you and traveling to your event, even if it's only a few miles away. Many speakers have books, products or services to offer. If you don't pay a speaking fee or buy materials up front, at least provide a table for the speaker at the back of the room and allow for at least a minor "pitch".
  • For any event, it might help to think of a speaker as entertainment. A good rule of thumb is to budget the cost for a speaker (including expenses) at $10-25 per attendee. The smaller your event, the more you should budget per attendee. This range can vary significantly for seasoned professional speakers, celebrities, and in-demand personalities. Only the top 1% or so of speakers make more than $10,000 for an hour speech.
  • We recommend finding at least $300 for each hour of a speaker time if at all possible. Maybe charge attendees, get a sponsor, or ask for donations? Note that some speakers already have sponsors that will foot the bill or help to defray your costs.

Are speakers' posted rates negotiable?

Speaker fees are almost always negotiable. You can sweeten your offer with perks like these:

  • Videography services (for the speaker's demo reel)
  • Booking multiple events at the same time
  • Media exposure (press releases, articles, radio, and tv appearances)
  • Buying products and services from the speaker (books, courseware, consulting time)
  • Products or services from your organization
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Booking workshops or training with the speaker
  • Donations to a speaker's favorite charity
  • Travel perks (airfare for spouse, additional hotel days, spa treatments)

How do I let speakers know about my opportunity?

The easiest way to spread the word and get bids on your opportunity is to post a job using the button below. After one of our staff reviews your post (we may contact you for more information), we'll spread the word through our network. You'll begin getting bids often within minutes. You can review all responses and contact speakers in your online Member Center. You can also select individual speakers by browsing our directory, and use the option to send a direct request to those you're interested in.

Will I get lots of phone calls and emails from speakers if I post a job?

Not if you don't want that. By default, your contact information is hidden from speakers and all contact is through our online system. You'll get notified by us when you have something to look at in your online inbox (we'll try to keep it to no more than 1 email per day).

How fast can you help me find an available speaker?

You can find a perfect match often within minutes of posting your job. Because all of our speakers have access to our complete database of speaking leads, they can decide which engagements are appropriate for them to submit their materials. Because we're not matching speakers and meeting planners manually, like a traditional speakers bureau, it's more likely that you'll find an appropriate speaker for your event quickly. Only qualified speakers for your posted topic and who are available at the time, date, and location will respond.

What Clients Say

This service was EXCEPTIONAL!!!! When I started out on this task, I had no idea how I would be able to come up with 3 nationally recognized speakers in such a short period of time for an event quickly approaching. This streamlined the whole process and shortened the completion time considerably. I will definitely use this service again. The quality of your candidate pool is AWESOME!!!!

Marie Hoskins

I've received many responses to date, and I've got about 8 - 10 proposals that we are considering... I know I said it before, and maybe since I'm a rookie at this kind of thing, I just don't know what else is out there on the web, but I just think your site is the best!!! You make it so easy for us. Your service really does all the work involved in the research! All I have to do is pick! Thanks for your help.

Liza Baccari, CPC Surgical Coordinator

I did receive quite a lot of responses w/most of them being right on the nose. I'm still sifting thru and talking it out w/the committee. This site is fantastic!! I'm so glad I found it. It's the only site I found that lets you build your own profile, and the responses you receive REALLY fit your needs. LOVE IT!

AAPC Stratford Chapter President-Elect

I am so thankful I found your website. Wow! What a great resource your company is! I received 14 responses already and many of them were very good. I need to ask you again... Do we have to pay a fee for your service? (No.)

Edie Prescod The Cancer Instutitute of NJ

I will definitely let people know about this service, it saves us so much time in research when the speakers come to us. :) Thanks.

Lisa Bondy Housing Research and Development

What a great site you have! You should be very proud. I was very impressed on the professionalism and immediate responses I received. We will definitely keep you in mind for our future events.

MJ Armstrong Bayer CropScience

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