As a leader, it's your responsibility to learn how to get the best out of your Millennial team. They aren't going away and they aren't going to change much. By 2020 the millennial generation will make up 50% of the workforce.
Although they get a bad rap, Millennials can bring a lot of great skills to your team. They can bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm into the right environment. The questions are, how do you create the right environment?
You'll need to know how to plan your development and leadership approach for the millennial workforce that you have today - and also understand the urgency of planning for the generation yet to come.
To stand out as a successful leader you will need to know how to effectively communicate with your team, how to quickly engage them, capitalize on their strengths, and keep them motivated.
Understand Millennials like you never have before by learning what is a myth and what is the truth about a millennial's mindset.
Come away with a deeper understanding of:
< What motivates Millennials
< The different types of millennials - they're not all the same!
< How to engage millennials to get them involved
< The best ways to build trust with millennials
< Skills required to be a great millennial manager
As with all of Sarah's work, everything is tailored to the individual needs of the organization and team. She understands the difference between the theory of what 'should' happen and the reality of what actually happens. Every organization, team, and personalities making up that team are different. One size does not fit all. With her international experience in team building, she will be able to guide the conversation where it needs to go.