This program shows you how to create experiences that engage customers in a personal way. to create an indelible, favorable impression. It provides insights that create transformational change within your organization that results in long-term sales growth.
Jim provides a revolutionary way of thinking about your customers, competition, markets and the fundamental structure of deliverables.
No matter how wonderful they were the first time, most experiences become marginally less enjoyable and beneficial the second time, even less so the third time, and so on until you finally realize that the experience no longer engages you.
WOW your customer with WONDROUS-OUTSTANDING-
WORRY FREE policies.,A WOW policy is an investment, not an expense.
Through references to some of the best-run companies, Jim will examine the implications of each disciple from an operating standpoint, offering step-by-step guidance with real world examples.
Jim interviews your key attendees to obtain relevant, targeted, information about what ‘keeps them awake at night.’
Jim shows the audience how to turn engage everyone with exceptional experiences by turning uncertainty into Confidence.
It's no longer about cost cutting, outsourcing, or efficiency, it's about Innovative problem-solving tool and tips that WOW.
Knowing 'how' gives you the tools to act, but knowing 'why' gives you the knowledge to anticipate, move quickly, consolidate the genius of your organization - and to blow away the competition.
Jim shows your audience how to create experiences that engage customers in a personal way. So you leave an indelible, favorable impression.
His program provides insights that create transformational change within your organization that results in long-term sales growth.
Jim shows you how to create first and subsequent customer experiences that reduce the potential for this commoditization.
Jim will show your audience how to:
- Innovate everything they do.
- Change their focus from the process to results.
- Shift their thinking from linear problem solving to creative innovative solving.
- Earn and nurture the support of their associates, so they share the company vision and consolidate their energies toward achieving short and long term goals.
-Learn the "why" behind the "how."
Benefits to your organization:
- Easy-to-use tips and techniques will guide attendees to be corporate heroes by showing how to accomplish more in less time using innovative problem-solving techniques. Innovation is finding what the customer will buy not making what the company wants.
Jim will help them focus their ROI....Return On Ideas. Drop us a note after you review this presentation.