Hit the Bullseye: Daily Learning Targets for Academic Excellence & Student Success

Hit the Bullseye: Daily Learning Targets for Academic Excellence & Student Success

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins

Education has undergone a significant transformation, shifting its focus from what teachers teach to what students learn. The ability to continuously measure student learning is now essential for school growth and student success. Lessons are evolving from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach, emphasizing the importance of daily learning targets. It's no longer sufficient for students to vaguely understand their learning objectives; it's imperative that they clearly grasp what they are expected to learn each day to set them up for success. Daily learning targets, expressed in student-friendly, data-driven, and measurable language, provide clarity for both students and teachers regarding what can be assessed for student learning each day. In this session, we will explore a simple formula that enables us to translate outcomes, standards, and curriculum into measurable chunks, ensuring that students and teachers are held accountable for daily learning objectives. Session Summary/key takeaways: In today's educational landscape, there has been a fundamental shift towards prioritizing student learning over traditional teaching methods. This shift necessitates the continuous measurement of student learning, making daily learning targets indispensable for school growth. Our session delves into the importance of daily learning targets, which serve as clear benchmarks for both students and teachers. By expressing objectives in student-friendly, data-driven, and measurable terms, we ensure clarity and accountability in the learning process and increase student success. We will explore a simple formula to break down outcomes, standards, and curriculum into manageable chunks, empowering educators to establish daily learning objectives effectively, that creates clarity with their students. Join us as we navigate the transformative power of daily learning targets, equipping teachers with the tools to foster a student-centered approach and drive educational excellence for all students.

Cathy Tooley — Motivational Speaker

Cathy Tooley

Unleashing Potential: The Journey to Ignite Change

Living on purpose for a purpose. We can all pursue our purposes with confidence, courage, and clarity, ultimately enabling us to achieve our most ambitious dreams and make a meaningful impact. Let me share some tools from my toolbox with you that will help your audience along their path to fulfilling their dreams while making a positive difference for others along the way. I am a INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONS CAREER COLLEGE Certified Motivational Speaker.

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