Be The Spark: “Developing Talent to Make A Difference Without A Title”

Be The Spark: “Developing Talent to Make A Difference Without A Title”

Developing Talent & Increasing Retention

John Maxwell states, “I can predict the long-term outcome of your success if you show me your daily habits.”  Our habits matter more than we imagine, and the potential of our leadership and performance is a direct reflection of the quality of our habits. In our competitive business and organizational environment, half full won't do and a low burning light is underwhelming. BUT, when you find YOUR SPARK, you transform your space and ignite those around you! The "Create The SPARK: How to Influence Without A Title" presentation is intended to help you think as a leader and remove success barriers to find your own Leadership SPARK! Our focus is on: * The 1% Rule & Finding Your SPARK * High Impact Leadership Habits * Setting "You" As A Priority 

Dr. Kelvin McCree — Motivational Speaker

Dr. Kelvin McCree

Change Is A Beautiful Thing, Embrace It!

Without reaching a tipping point, transformation falls short of its potential value Being able to pivot quickly matters now more than ever. In this age of rapid change and disruption, change efforts that take 2 to 3 years are no longer viable. Radically different business strategies, new employee expectations, and hybrid workplaces require us to fundamentally change the way we work. Our goal at Laser Focus Leadership Solutions is to activate organizational change faster. How do we do it? By leveraging our Laser Focus Toolkit, a holistic suite of solutions that work together to create alignment and momentum in service of the change management process. Regardless of the size of your organization, we have the experience and capacity to help you successfully navigate change. Together, we’ll ignite a movement inside your organization: a sustained change management solution led by a group of people with a shared purpose who create change faster, together. Reach out to me, LETS TALK!

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