How Your Thoughts & Words Can Make or Break Your Health

Did you ever think about how the words you use, and the thoughts you have, could make or break your health? During this very thought-provoking presentation we will examine how your thoughts can sabotage your health, what power your words have over your health outcomes and immune system, and what the long term “ill health” effects are from constant negative self-chatter. You will learn how your thoughts and words (both inner chatter and outer expressions) can impact positively or negatively the food, lifestyle and mood choices you make on a moment-to-moment basis. You will leave this program armed with time-proven and fun techniques for changing your thoughts and words in an instant. You will have learned physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strategies to help you to develop a strong positive inner locus of control in your life. The result: You control your personal environment instead of it controlling you. The victim triangle, rooted in a lack of personal inner power and low self-esteem, will be explored and dissected so that it ceases to have the control over your life that has prevented you from experiencing consistent inner joy and fulfillment. You will have a new conceptual framework through which to view your world and from which to operate much more effectively, so that you experience limitless success in everything you do. NOTE: This can be a keynote presentation, or a ½ day or 1 day workshop. I'd love to connect with you in person, so...For availability, programs tailored specifically for your organization, staff, company or group, and for fees, please call Dr Marilyn Joyce's office at: 800-352-3443.

Dr Marilyn Joyce, PhD, RD, The Vitality Doctor — Motivational Speaker

Dr Marilyn Joyce, PhD, RD, The Vitality Doctor

5 Min 5X A Day Instant Energy/Max Stress Release Guaranteed!

Transform Your Troubles into Triumphs & Your Stresses into Successes-5 Minutes at a Time! I have the T.R.A.N.S.F.O.R.M.â„¢ Formula. Let's Get Started! Bestselling Author, Award Winning Speaker Mentor & Consultant, Leading Authority in Stress Management

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