Keynote Speech - When Pot Roast Meets Sushi - Setting the Table for a Multigenerational Workforce Conversation

Keynote Speech - When Pot Roast Meets Sushi - Setting the Table for a Multigenerational Workforce Conversation

How to successfully leverage the many assets a diverse, multigenerational workforce can contribute to the corporate family culture team success.

Companies today are fortunate to experience the dynamics of having five generations sharing the workplace. However, managing the diverse personality styles of the Silent Generation-Traditionalists, Still-Booming Boomers, Xtra-Independent Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zs can be challenging. The companies’ immediate organizational productivity and long-term strategic success depend on how well this multigenerational workforce performs as a synergistic team. Johnny’s engaging, entertaining, and enlightening keynote shares easy-to-implement insights that bridge multigenerational communication and cultural issues by fluently addressing and articulating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, empowering everyone with practical communication soft skills that promote mutual respect and understanding while collectively pursuing “Our Company’s Goals.” It also serves as a perfect foundation for today and the future work norm of a hybrid workspace. ROI for this keynote: Effective communication between people from different generations with vastly different experiences will enhance and strengthen loyalty within the Corporate Family Culture and Team Spirit. The result is a competitive advantage of higher retention of “the best, happy, and most diverse multigenerational workforce, which leads to increased team creativity, productivity, and company success!” The audience will: Learn how to identify points of generational conflict and areas of opportunity to defuse them. Practice specific strategies to strengthen verbal and non-verbal cross-generational communication skills. Gain skills that help their team to successfully leverage the many assets a multigenerational workforce can contribute to the corporate culture and team success.

Johnny Tan Experiential Keynote Speaker — Motivational Speaker

Johnny Tan Experiential Keynote Speaker

Multigenerational Communication, Personal Leadership Expert

Multigenerational Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Teambuilding, Communication, and Leadership Expert - Former Chief Operating Officer, Multi-Award Winning & Bestselling Author, Social Entrepreneur, Executive Career & Life Coach, Mentor, Workshop Presenter, Top 100 Visionaries in Education for the year 2020-2021, Global BRAINZ Magazine Executive Contributor, Radio Talk Show Host, Founder and CEO of From My Mama's Kitchen® Education Platform, and Publisher of Inspirations for Better Living Digital Magazine.

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