Goals!  Goals!  Goals!

Goals! Goals! Goals!

Climb the Ladder of Success

Are you looking for goal-achievement strategies and tips for overcoming challenges? Is your hectic schedule keeping you from accomplishing your goals? Do you agree that setting goals is a wise thing to do? If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, then our time management and goal achievement seminar is designed just for you. This training program offers a variety of mini-workshops designed to help any individual achieve their personal and professional goals. This program provides you with simple yet effective strategies for personal and professional success! In this workshop we will: - Examine how attitude impacts success. - Learn the five secrets all successful people know and have in common. - Identify four key elements you or your organization needs in order to succeed - Discover how to unlock the power of your name to attain higher levels of success. - Identify how negative influencers determine your level of success. - Discover how “Role Models” can inspire you to greatness. - Explore how your personal values influence your goals. - Learn to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and how your reticular activating system can help you achieve them.

Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk — Motivational Speaker

Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk

"Communicating for results!"

PowerTalk Seminars, LLC

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