Keynote Speech - Kitchen Table Conversations: What My 9 MOMS Taught Me about Life, Love, and Laughter.

Keynote Speech - Kitchen Table Conversations: What My 9 MOMS Taught Me about Life, Love, and Laughter.

Recipes for Living Life to discover our Genius Zone to flow with Life’s Rhythm and experience the Synergy of Success, Harmony, and Joyful Living 360

This fun, engaging, entertaining, and enlightening presentation is about how Johnny met his 9 MOMS and how, through their unconditional motherly love, they collectively became his teachers, coaches, counselors, and cheerleaders when he was inches away from the various finish lines. Adopted at birth by his Malaysian mom, Johnny came to the United States to attend Louisiana State University at 18. A year later, his father's sudden passing produced both emotional trauma and a financial crisis for his mother, sister, and him. The ensuing challenges led Johnny to make decisions setting the course of his life, which caused him not to set foot in Malaysia again for 15 years. Two words, "Resilient and Inspirational," best describe Johnny’s life journey. Amidst all the adventures that were filled with celebrations, heartaches, smiles, tears, introspections, and resilience, the relationships with his 9 MOMS and their unconditional motherly love helped define the road to his success, knowledge, and wisdom. ROI for this keynote: Johnny’s inspiring story about his Malaysian mom, Southern Belle mom, Italian Foster mom, Sanguine Savannah mom, Texan Earthy mom, Spiritual Progressive mom, Ballroom Instructor mom, German mom, and Cajun mom will leave audiences with an empowering new perspective about the concept of it takes a village to raise a child, in this case, “A Global Village.” The audience will: * Learn that Moms, regardless of where they live, share a common bond. * Be reminded that Personal Success Begins at Home. * Realize that Words Have Power. * Always look through the Lens of Unconditional Motherly Love. * Be inspired to Leave A Legacy of Love for others to benefit from and follow.

Johnny Tan Experiential Keynote Speaker — Motivational Speaker

Johnny Tan Experiential Keynote Speaker

Multigenerational Communication & Personal Leadership Expert

Multigenerational Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Teambuilding, Communication, and Leadership Expert - Former Chief Operating Officer, Multi-Award Winning & Bestselling Author, Social Entrepreneur, Executive Career & Life Coach, Mentor, Workshop Presenter, Top 100 Visionaries in Education for the year 2020-2021, Global BRAINZ Magazine Executive Contributor, Radio Talk Show Host, Founder and CEO of From My Mama's Kitchen® Education Platform, and Publisher of Inspirations for Better Living Digital Magazine.

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