Knowledge  Drives Change

Knowledge Drives Change

Self-motivation is Gold

YOU TOO HAVE WHAT IT TAKES: "Mindset Change" My goal is to present simple but realistic talks on any topic of interest to you or your organization that will have a life-lasting impact, and causes gradual change in mindset for personal, corporate or institutional growth and development, resulting in productivity and dreams realization for any audience! I can keep any audience engaged and motivated for the entire duration of the event!! The seven principles for building effective Personal, and Professional growth & Development are a Gold Mine that every person, company, institution and leader must hear or get trained on. I am ready to impact your audience, when you are........

Professor Vollay — Motivational Speaker

Professor Vollay

"Knowledge Promotes Empowerment for Positive Results......"

Professor Vollay can provide food for thoughts on just about any topic that drives positive change and or empowerment to individuals, teams or departments across disciplinary boundaries. In addition, to the foregoing, Mr. Vollay is a Published Author- Two of his best sellers are: The Healthy Child, Growth and Development – “Parenting Made Simple” How to Choose Your Perfect Career  - “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions” As an Educator and Motivational Speaker, Vollay is a go-to person for advisement on just about any issue, especially for Personal Development, Business Growth & Development, Self-esteem building, Biblical topics, Academic advising, Classroom management, Conflict Management & Resolution, Staff Development and Professional Development. He never turns anybody down. – come in with frowns on your face, and you will leave his presence with your most radiant smiles!! "Spoken Words are Breeze that Never return to its Source" - So Think Twice Before You Speak!!!

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