Employers, Unions, and Associations Need to Step Up to the Plate for Mental Health

Employers, Unions, and Associations Need to Step Up to the Plate for Mental Health

76% of U.S. Workers Report at Least One Symptom of a Mental Health Condition

Dealing with mental health issues is more and more important, both in terms of economics and personnel. This presentation/workshop will help attendees identify signs of emotions that may lead to lack of mental health, how to change their minds about that state, and when to know how to get more help if needed. Some issues that may contribute to lack of mental health are: • COVID: We all were plunged into a situation we’d not learned to navigate, and many are still trying to get our bearings. • Stress: One definition of stress is an organism and’s reaction to change. In our fast-paced world, change is happening faster and faster and we must have the tools to adapt. • Depression: May be chemical or situational, for example, death of a loved one, change in living environment or any other number of things. • Sleep deprivation. • Not enough blood getting to the brain. Your members will leave this presentation with the ability to: • Recognize the signs that may be contributing to the above and have the tools to counter the effects or get the appropriate help. • Change the way they perceive themselves and others, leading to a happier workplace. • Look at the way they talk to themselves and others while being less judgmental. • Become very relaxed quickly so that they may be able to make healthier choices in the moment. • Deal with workplace bullying in a productive manner. • Fall asleep within minutes of going to bed and staying asleep and awakening refreshed and rested. • Get more blood to their brains to facilitate better thinking and decision making. The presentation itself will begin with an audience participation portion which will both engage the group as well as provide many moments of hilarity—at no one’s expense. Then we will segue into the Power Point portion where we will identify some of the many ways to improve mental health in your field. It will be fun, educational and helpful. For more information on your presenter, please visit www.KatieEvansSpeaks.com

Katie Evans — Motivational Speaker

Katie Evans

Going from Mental Hell to Mental Well

Lack of mental health in the corporate world may be responsible for added expenditures of up to $60,000.00 per year per small company, and over $105 billion nationwide, in sick days, non-productive time and the hire/train/quit revolving door. What if one presentation can help companies and associations reduce those costs? You can do this and have a boatload of fun learning easy tools to help your you, your employees and associates. Laughter may just be the best “medicine."

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