Aim: To learn habits to support career advancement without stress, burnout, and overwhelm while fostering an inclusive opportunity path for all.
Introduction: You're taking on more responsibilities in both your personal and professional life, and this is leaving you feeling overwhelmed and drained. Today's societal expectations create a lot of pressure on us to excel. But how can we truly perform at our peak when we're not operating from our best selves? Our society often highlights our differences, driving us apart rather than fostering unity.
You are striving to excel in your career, serve as an example for your teams, and maintain a balance between work, family, and self-care. This results in heightened levels of stress, exhaustion, and an overwhelming sense of being stretched too thin. In striving for success and the pursuit of having it all, you're inadvertently compromising your health, well-being, and the connections that matter most in your life.
In addition to being focused on career advancement; you also want to cultivate a holistic sense of self and excel in diverse environments. You seek the tools for effective communication, professional growth, and the ability to actively contribute to inclusive and diverse cultures.
Materials and Methods: Power point Presentation.
Learning Objectives:
1. Strategies for High Performance: Explore actionable strategies to cultivate high performance in a diverse setting, fostering inclusivity while maintaining personal balance, minimizing stress, and avoiding burnout.
2. Balancing Professional Excellence and Personal Well-being: Learn techniques and approaches to balance expectations at work while nurturing personal well-being, strengthening relationships, and optimizing overall life satisfaction.
3. Listening Framework: Learn how to put aside your assumptions by using an inclusive listening framework that allows you to build relationships and trust. Listening beyond the words is a critical ingredient in the recipe for a more just, equitable, and inclusive culture.
Results: Clarity around the practices and principles that keep you progressing and performing at your best. Communication skills that create inclusive environments by bridging the gap between diversity and inclusivity.
Conclusion: Your habits determine your success. Implementing the habits of high-performance will wipe out stress and keep you focused and productive in what matters most in your life and business without sacrificing health, well-being, and relationships. Learning inclusive communication skills that create brave, safe environments will open the path of opportunity for yourself and others.
Societal change relies on individual personal development. This presentation will show you a process that leads you to discoveries, methodologies, and outcomes that elevate the quality of your personal and professional life. You will be empowered to present your best self in your homes, workplaces, and communities, enabling you to show up on your “A” game at home, at work, and in your communities.